Friday, December 25, 2009

To Love a Child

This is from a card I bought, about 3 or 4 years ago. It's a poem that I think is simple and lovely. I put it on the bulletin board near my computer desk. It was covered (cluttered board) but it's back in view again. It is something I want to remember to read daily. My kids are 11 and 10 right now. I know they are growing up but I still want to create special moments with each of them.

To Love a Child

Encourage Silly
Say Yes as often as possible
Realize how important it is to be a child
Read books out loud with joy
Teach feelings
Make forts with blanket
Giggle a lot
Remember how really small they are
Search out the positive
Answer more questions
Handle with caring
Be there


By Lorraine Ortner-Blake - Artist

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