Friday, December 25, 2009

To Love a Child

This is from a card I bought, about 3 or 4 years ago. It's a poem that I think is simple and lovely. I put it on the bulletin board near my computer desk. It was covered (cluttered board) but it's back in view again. It is something I want to remember to read daily. My kids are 11 and 10 right now. I know they are growing up but I still want to create special moments with each of them.

To Love a Child

Encourage Silly
Say Yes as often as possible
Realize how important it is to be a child
Read books out loud with joy
Teach feelings
Make forts with blanket
Giggle a lot
Remember how really small they are
Search out the positive
Answer more questions
Handle with caring
Be there


By Lorraine Ortner-Blake - Artist

2009 coming to a close

Wow, I haven't posted for a LONG time. I could list my reasons but that would probably be too long. I actually lost my log in info for this blog. HA HA. Seriously, I had to dig through old journals/notebooks and then had to reset the password. I really do annoy myself sometimes.

Anyway, I don't celebrate Christmas, but to those who do, Merry Christmas. Hope you didn't let all the stresses of the holiday overwhelm you.

My ex came and picked up the kids last night. As usual it was a scene. Currently, his driving privileges are suspended within the state we live. But, he's slick and was able to get an out-of-state license. Anyway, the cops came to my home last night shortly after he arrived to pick up the kids. He called them because I asked him how he was going to get the kids from my place to his. He lied to them, tried to say I was harassing him. (Load of crap!) But, luckily the cops didn't believe his BS. They said I had a right to be concerned and ask the question of how he was going to transport the children. He lied to them and said he was going to ride the bus. (Note: from where I live to where he lives is, at minimum, 2 hour bus ride.) I knew he had his car parked somewhere nearby.


I am so very tired of the same crap from him. I have no more energy to waste on his ridiculous BS. I do not want to even have to deal with him. I truly wish he would grow up and out of his immature behavior.

So, we are at the cusp of 2010, what do I want in this coming new year?
1. I don't want to waste any more of my life dealing with my ex's BS behavior
2. I want my overall healthy and well being to improve.
3. I want to heal.
4. I want my children to heal.
5. I want a steady stream of reliable income as a result of my hard work, effort, dedication and creativity.
6. I want to learn to verbally express myself without letting my emotions overwhelm me.
7. I want to learn how to pick my battles.
8. I want to create better, healthy friendships.
9. I want to be able to communicate in a calmer, less demanding way with my children.
10. I want my children to be happy, and feel loved, secure and be treated in a good way during their visits with their father.